30+ Unknown Facts About Giada De Laurentiis’ Personal Life

Published on 09/25/2023

Giada De Laurentiis never wanted to be a celebrity chef

Some of us know exactly what we want to do from the start. Others? Their plans shift slightly along the way. Giada De Laurentiis appears to have always wanted to work in the food industry, although she formerly had very different views about her future. Giada had been assisting a friend at a food shoot for a magazine. Giada had always aspired to be a food stylist and was excited to assist on site. That is, until the magazine discovered Giada’s story and her famous family. They published an article about it all before the Food Network discovered Giada and offered her a spot on her own culinary show. The rest, as they say, is history!

Giada De Laurentiis Never Wanted To Be A Celebrity Chef

Giada De Laurentiis Never Wanted To Be A Celebrity Chef


Target had to recall many of Giada De Laurentiis’ lasagna pans

Giada De Laurentiis has built such a name for herself that she now produces her own line of cookware. In 2010, the chef collaborated with Target to create a range of specialized meals and cookware exclusive to their stores. For the first three years, everything was going swimmingly, but that all changed when the US Consumer Product Safety Commission became involved. They recalled 150,000 Giada lasagna pans after receiving reports of “breaking or cracking during normal use.” Some even claimed Giada’s pans caused “cuts and lacerations” to them. Although it was not directly the chef’s responsibility, many people pointed the finger at Giada herself.

Target Had To Recall Many Of Giada De Laurentiis’ Lasagna Pans

Target Had To Recall Many Of Giada De Laurentiis’ Lasagna Pans