8. Check-in 24-hours before your flight
Pros: No waiting in the check-in line
What you need: Online check-in
Cost: Free
Online check-in wasn’t even a possibility many moons ago. But now days, practically all airlines have this option as standard because of the miracles of modern technology. Online check-in is available up to 24 hours before the scheduled departure time. Bid adieu to costly cab excursions to the airport at the last minute. This way, your electronic boarding permit will already be produced, so you can just shuffle through rather than having to wait in line for someone to do it for you. Though there are many positive aspects of the internet, this is unquestionably one of its better qualities. It’s a contemporary marvel.
![8. Check In 24 Hours Before Your Flight](https://d2apfittwsc1mr.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/11192025/8.-Check-in-24-hours-before-your-flight.jpg)
8. Check In 24 Hours Before Your Flight
9. Take a photo of your checked luggage
Pros: Easier to spot at baggage claim
What you need: A camera phone
Cost: $100+ (free if you already have one)*
Many individuals have identical luggage when it comes to travel. You can take certain steps to enhance the appearance of your suitcase, making it easier for you to locate. Even in that case, it’s advisable to grab your phone and quickly snap a picture of it before checking it. In this manner, you’ll be able to consult the image while waiting at baggage claim to ensure that you’re picking up the correct one. It’s possible that someone else purchased the exact same one at Target even if you believe you know which one is yours. It’s better to be cautious than sorry!
![9. Take A Photo Of Your Checked Luggage](https://d2apfittwsc1mr.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/11192038/9.-Take-a-photo-of-your-checked-luggage.jpg)
9. Take A Photo Of Your Checked Luggage