15c. Brooklyn
Brooklyn, in contrast to many of the other names on this list, does not have a particularly profound historical or symbolic significance. As an alternative, it is a simple combination of the name Brook (or Brooke), which is derived from an English nickname meaning “one who lives next to a stream,” and the suffix -lyn, which is extremely prevalent in modern American names. Despite its more mundane origins, the first name Brooklyn, which can also allude to the eponymous borough of New York City, is a thing of beauty.

15c. Brooklyn
Naturally, the name Violet was inspired by the flower of the same name, which isn’t surprising. As with practically all other flower names, its popularity fluctuated dramatically in the United States between 1880 and 1910, and even in the years after that period. Viola, Violeta, Violetta, and Violet are all names for the flower Violet that are derived from it in other languages.
