The Highly Intelligent And Skilled Female Anchors Of CNN And MSNBC

Published on 02/11/2021

Christine Romans

The chief business correspondent of CNN, Christine Romans anchors Early Start With Dave Briggs and covers finance and business topics applicable to all Americans. Her talent for explaining complex systems using accessible jargon keeps viewers tuned in. In 1999, she joined CNN Business network and spent several years reporting from the New York Stock Exchange. Her excellence in journalism has earned her many awards, including the Media Excellence Award and the James W. Schwartz Award.

Christine Romans

Christine Romans


Nancy Snyderman

Becoming a broadcast journalist was not something Nancy Snyderman aspired when she attended college. In fact, she graduated from Indiana University Bloomington with a degree in microbiology and from the University of Nebraska Medical Center with a Doctor of Medicine degree. She went on to become a successful physician and was later offered the chief medical correspondent position at NBC. She had been appearing on ABC affiliate stations for several years, and was happy to accept NBC’s offer. Her reports have appeared on Dateline NBC, NBC Nightly News, and Today. She started hosting the MSNBC special Dr. Nancy in 2009, and has lent her expertise and given sound medical advice to millions of Americans.

Nancy Snyderman

Nancy Snyderman