This Cop Is Unaware That An Elevator Hidden Camera Is Recording His Every Move

Published on 04/26/2022

Dancing Together

She became aware that something was wrong with the couple and kept her gaze fixed on them for a long time. After a few moments, she decided to join in on the fun. The group continued to dance in the elevator, completely unaware that they were being recorded by a hidden video camera. And, no, Superman did not accompany them, but something extraordinary did occur.

Dancing Together

Dancing Together


“Do The Stanky Leg”

Soon after, the trio began to sing and dance together to the beat of the music. However, they were completely unaware that someone was keeping an eye on them the entire time. When the Superman-related lyrics appeared, they copied the flying technique of the superhero. When they returned, they were joined by Sheriff Bill Elder, who happened to be their senior. Did he take part in the festivities?

Do The Stanky Leg

Do The Stanky Leg