The Mysteries Of Egyptian Pyramid Revealed? This Discovery Finally Gives Some Answer

Published on 11/10/2023

Slow Progress

At one point, historians and Egyptologists agreed that the pyramids were built on orders from the Pharaohs. It was the most plausible theory: the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs had the best architects and engineers to handle this massive undertaking. Historians also believed that forced laborers did all of the manual labor after the architects devised the layout. Many questions about the pyramids, however, remained unresolved.

Slow Progress

Slow Progress


An Unearthly Opinion

Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, a writer and ufologist most known for his appearances on the History Channel’s Ancient Aliens, believes the pyramids were built with the assistance of ancient alien creatures. His idea is speculative and not widely accepted, although others believe the pyramids align with Orion’s Belt, an asterism in the constellation Orion. Is there something worth noting about it, or is it just another out-of-this-world theory?

An Unearthly Opinion

An Unearthly Opinion