The Mysteries Of Egyptian Pyramid Revealed? This Discovery Finally Gives Some Answer

Published on 11/10/2023

The Ancient World’s Seven Wonders

Egypt’s pyramids are the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World to have endured until modern times. The Lighthouse of Alexandria, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Olympic statue of Zeus, the Temple of Artemis, and the Hanging Gardens of Babylon were the other six wonders. It’s even more difficult to guess on their beginnings because we don’t have any proof for them. Even the pyramids, which we can see and explore, continue to raise many problems for us – at least until this new discovery.

The Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World

The Ancient World’s Seven Wonders


Other Pyramids

Many people believe that pyramids were only constructed in Ancient Egypt, although this is not entirely correct. Egypt does not even have the most pyramids in the world. That honor belongs to modern Sudan, which has 225 pyramids that may be visited. There are almost half that many in Egypt. The Nubian Kushite empire rulers erected the Sudan pyramids. They governed from 2,600 BC to 300 BC and, like their Egyptian counterparts, were buried in pyramids. Their pyramids, however, are substantially smaller than the Egyptian ones.

Other Pyramids

Other Pyramids