The Foods That Diabetics Should Avoid The Most

Published on 09/06/2022

Diabetes affected more than 9% of the American population in 2015, and the figure has only climbed since then. Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the body’s insulin response. When people are diagnosed with diabetes, their diet drastically alters. Some meals that appear to be healthful are actually harmful. Many have hidden sugars, preservatives, and salts that are difficult to detect on the nutritional label. Continue reading to learn about the worst foods for diabetics.

Diet Soda Is As Bad As Regular Soda

Most individuals are aware that soda does not belong in a diabetic’s diet. But did you realize that diet Coke is also dangerous? The American Diabetes Association discovered a continuous association between diet drinks and diabetes in their research. Participants who consumed it on a daily basis were 67% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar levels, belly obesity, and metabolic syndrome. Another study published in the journal Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology connected diet Coke to an increased risk of diabetic retinopathy. This causes damage to the blood vessels around the eyes and may lead to blindness in diabetics. Avoid diet sodas as much as possible.

How Diet Soda Is Just As Bad As Regular Soda

Diet Soda Is As Bad As Regular Soda


Avoid Artificial Sweeteners

Although artificial sweeteners claim to be “diabetic-friendly,” researchers have discovered the contrary. Researchers determined in 2018 that artificial sweeteners contribute to diabetes and obesity far more than most people believe. They have an adverse effect on your blood glucose and blood vessels, which only serves to impair your insulin. The good news is that some artificial sweeteners are not harmful to diabetics. In trials, stevia and tagatose had no negative effects on blood glucose levels. If you have any queries regarding which artificial sweeteners are the healthiest, consult a doctor or a nutritionist.

Avoid Most Artificial Sweeteners

Avoid Artificial Sweeteners