Brooklyn The Basketball Fan
Brooklyn Decker, a huge sports fan, joined the cast of Sports New York to talk about the NCAA basketball tournament, which is taking place this year. The North Carolina Tar Heels, the college basketball team for which she models and acts, are a big fan of the model and actress. She is also a fan of the Carolina Panthers of the National Football League. In light of Brooklyn Decker’s passion for athletics, it should come as no surprise that her English bulldogs are named after famous athletes from history. Billie Jean is the name of one, and Bob Costa is the name of the other.

Brooklyn The Basketball Fan
She Says, Z Says
Decker was featured on the Sports Illustrated website on a regular basis because she is a huge sports lover and has worked with the magazine for many years. Known as Dr. Z, the model appeared in the segment, which was titled “She Says, Z Says,” when she discussed NFL games with reporter and former footballer Paul Zimmerman. Dr. Z was a regular contributor to the Sports Illustrated website, where he wrote a column called “Power Rankings” on a weekly basis.

She Says, Z Says