Best: Nuts
Go nuts with Costco nuts, seriously! This is something that Costco just gets right. Coming in the biggest of packages, you would think that the prices would match. Evidently not! Priced greatly and in great sizes, you can even reseal the packages to ensure that they last longer. If you’re feeling nutty, consider Costco for your nut needs.

Best Nuts
Worst: Kirkland Signature Paper Towels
Buying a big pack of paper towels might seem like a good idea, but it will only end up biting you in the butt. More doesn’t always mean more. Buying a 30-pack of Kirkland might seem like a smart move at the beginning, but the paper towel brand is so thin that you will end up using more than better quality brands which provide less. Consumer Reports did a study on five paper towel brands and ranked Kirkland last. Avoid at all costs.

Worst Kirkland Signature Paper Towels