Buy: Golf balls
If you are wanting to purchase golfing items, maybe you would try certain sports stores before you come even think about Costco. If you’re wanting golf balls however, Costco should definitely be top of the list. Their Kirkland golf balls are of an acceptable quality and have left golfers very satisfied. They can be purchased at low-cost and top reviewer Golfalot even said that they are definitely comparable to the most premium golf balls.

Buy Golf Balls
Worst: Electronics
So it is true that TVs are a great buy at Costco, but this isn’t necessarily true for the rest of the electronics. Costco drags you in with its large and extensive electronic selection even when the reason you came to Costco was for the groceries. Those flashing lights, crowds and people trying to grab your attention are tough to avoid, but in actuality those items are not the best. Firstly, you can likely get better deals at other stores on better products, but you also don’t require a membership to go and look!

Worst Electronics