Ryan Gosling – 43, La la land
Ryan Gosling is a Canadian actor and musician who has gained widespread acclaim for his versatile talent and charming on-screen presence. He was born on November 12, 1980, in London, Ontario, Canada. Gosling’s career in the entertainment industry began at a young age when he appeared on the Disney Channel’s “The Mickey Mouse Club.”

Ryan Gosling – 43, La la land
Mary-kate And Ashley Olsen – 34, Full House
Following their debut on the blockbuster television sitcom Full House, the legendary Olsen twins soared to national prominence. You may not be aware that they have consistently been named among the wealthiest stars in the film industry since their inception. They have modified their appearance multiple times over the years and have effectively positioned themselves as the nation’s fashion moguls. Although sources indicate that Mary-Kate had an operation, nothing has been confirmed. But what we do know is that they have altered. The Row, the sisters’ stylish apparel company, has won the America fashion award.

Mary Kate And Ashley Olsen – 34, Full House