Christina Aguilera – 40, The Voice
Christina Aguilera, like most celebrities, has struggled with post-pregnancy weight gain. She was slender and tidy back then, so the extra pounds must have been a terrible gain. The pop starlet continued to try to shed weight and was successful, but not like her younger self. Christina is stunning and manages to look stunning with or without the weight. Her voice, like her beautiful looks, has remained completely compelling. She deserves a credit on the back for making an attempt to stay active, which we all know is not easy!

Christina Aguilera – 40, The Voice
Sofia Vergara – 41,Modern Family
Sofía Vergara is a Colombian-American actress, television personality, and model who has achieved international fame and acclaim for her work in both English and Spanish-language entertainment. She was born on July 10, 1972, in Barranquilla, Colombia. Sofia began her career as a model in her home country before transitioning into acting.

Sofia Vergara – 40,Modern Family