Courtney Love – 56, Pretty On The Inside
Courtney Love looks nothing like she did when she was younger. But, unlike most Hollywood celebrities, she isn’t shy about spilling her secrets. The singer-songwriter has stated that her gorgeous features are not only due to heredity. Estheticians and surgeons have also made a contribution. Love admitted to having a nose operation when she was 19 on Jimmy Kimmel Live, and she also confirmed having a facelift at the age of 35 in an interview with Fashion magazine. Everything seemed to be working in Love’s favor; she looks fantastic with these adjustments!

Courtney Love – 56, Pretty On The Inside
Donatella Versace – 65, House Of Versace
Her name should give you a good indication of who she is. She is Gianni Versace’s sister who took over the company after her brother’s unfortunate death, and we must say, Donatella Versace filled his shoes admirably. Donatella hasn’t hidden the fact that she enjoys getting work done on her face in order to keep her youthful appearance. She has had it all, from surgery to botox, and the transformation over the years is visible. We’re not sure if this was a good choice because we enjoy her youthful, natural appearance, but as they say, “To each their own!”

Donatella Versace – 65, House Of Versace