Expert Mechanics Unveil Top Car Hacks For Every Owner

Published on 05/04/2023

Hang Groceries From Headrests With Carabiners

Following recent events, you may have started having your groceries delivered to your door. However, if you still prefer to go out and buy your goods, the following hack may be useful. If you are concerned about your grocery bags toppling over and spilling everything, you should consider attaching them to your car seats. You can accomplish this by suspending them from carabiners attached to the headrests. This is beneficial if you buy more groceries than your trunk can hold and need to store some items in the trunk of your car. You won’t have to worry about spilt beverages or broken eggs when you come home if you hang them up with these carabiners.

Attach Carabiners To Your Headrests And Hang Your Grocery Bags

Hang Groceries From Headrests With Carabiners


A Staple Remover Simplifies Keychain Addition And Removal

Many people hate the thought of losing their keys. That’s why most individuals keep them all on one keyring so they know where they are at all times. This can get very hefty depending on how many keys you have, making them easier to keep track of. However, adding new items to the keyring is rarely enjoyable. Attempting to pry it open enough to insert something else can injure your fingers or perhaps break a nail, which is not what you want. That is why, if you do not already have one, it is worthwhile to purchase one. This easily opens a keyring, allowing you to attach or remove keys without difficulty. That’s excellent if you’re about to buy a new car.

A Staple Remover Makes Adding Or Removing Keys From A Keyring Much Easier

A Staple Remover Simplifies Keychain Addition And Removal