Olive Oil On A Coffee Filter Cleans Dashboards
You probably have some olive oil someplace in your kitchen. Instead of just using this material for cooking, why not use it to clean your car? It is not necessary to apply it everywhere; otherwise, the interior will become excessively slick. A few drops of this on a coffee filter, on the other hand, will do wonders for your dashboard. After wiping it down, it should appear brand new. Just make sure to allow some time between cleaning and driving the automobile. Unless you like the fragrance of olive oil. Because the interior will be very fragrant at first, you’ll want to give the liquid time to soak in before going anywhere.
Stockings Can Temporarily Fix A Broken Fan Belt
Engine troubles are one of the most dangerous things that can happen to your vehicle. If an issue emerges here, there isn’t much you can do until you seek expert help. However, if your fan belt is damaged, there is a hack that can provide temporary relief, if not a permanent solution. Once again, have extra stockings on hand to replace the belt if it snaps. When this situation happens, you must immediately stop the vehicle and remove the damaged belt. Replace the stockings, making sure to wrap them tightly around the engine pulley so they don’t come loose. If this works, you should be able to drive to a mechanic and receive some assistance.