30+ Photos That These Campuses Are Filled With Stunning Women!

Published on 09/24/2023

Duke University

Morgan Reid, the soccer sensation, is known for more than just her incredible abilities on the pitch. She also has the distinction of being named one of the NCAA’s top beauty. We first noticed her astounding talent when she was tearing up the turf for Duke University, a haven for sports prodigies. They have an impressive roster, featuring the renowned Mike Krzyzewski, the all-time winningest college basketball coach. As of February 11, 2014, he had a staggering 976 career victories! Duke is essentially a powerhouse of beauty and talent, having won four NCAA championships.

Duke University

Duke University


Vanderbilt University

Check out this incredible shot, which proves that the women at Vanderbilt University have an unusual blend of beauty and unique physicality! It appears to have been taken during a thrilling marathon event, or possibly while they were dodging the incredible squirrel population that had taken over the university grounds. According to AdmitSee, these cute fuzzy creatures outweigh the student body. With thousands of youngsters in attendance, we sincerely hope this isn’t the case! Alternatively, the women could have been rushing toward the Cornelius Vanderbilt statue as part of a ritual in which kissing the statue on the first night gives good luck for the academic trip.

Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University