Andrew McCarthy – 56
You should recognize him from either St. Elmo’s Fire, Pretty in Pink, or Class. If you don’t, you’ve most likely seen him on the popular shows Royal Pains and White Collar. Andrew McCarthy, who rose to prominence for his involvement in the last two television episodes, went on to become editor of National Geographic Traveller magazine. He revealed to the world that in his youth, he struggled with drug and alcohol addiction and sought treatment in rehab.

Andrew McCarthy – 56
Phil Collins – 68
Phil Collins’ hits during the 1980s included “In the Air Tonight” and “Another Day in Paradise”. An Englishman, he was extremely popular as a solo performer, with more songs reaching the top of the charts in the United States during that decade than any other musician. He used to be a member of the band Genesis. Collins has amassed a lot of riches, and we’re sure he’s purchased his fair share of pretty unique and expensive items. Collin’s health has decreased since 2017. His official Facebook page claimed that he suffered from foot drop as a result of back surgery.

Phil Collins – 68