Brooke Shields
We wouldn’t be surprised if Brooke Shields had left the school early on as a child model and actress, who had gained worldwide acclaim with her leading role in the 1978 movie Pretty Baby. But she was, as it turns out, actually a model student who only scored A’s and B’s. The director closed down the production twice while she was taking her school exams when she was shooting the movie Endless Love. Brooke was also on top of that a dedicated cheerleader, as seen in this picture.

Brooke Shields
Nene Leakes
Thanks to the reality series ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta,’ Nene Leakes is now a household name. Not only did the show propel her into the spotlight, but it also helped her bag roles on shows such as the dramedy ‘Glee’ and the ‘Fashion Police’ talk show. Of course,’ The Real Housewives’ brand did not arrive until the mid-’00s, by which point Leakes was in her ’40s already. Not a lot is known about her life before the show, except that back in grade school, she was a cheerleader.

Nene Leakes