How Did You Hear About The House?
“Oh, I forgot to ask, how did you find out about this house?” Mikey replied as Louisa and Mikey sipped their coffees. “An old woman showed it to me in town,” Louisa said as she placed her coffee on the crystal table in front of her. Mikey’s face turned as white as a ghost as soon as Louisa said it. He sounded as if he’d just heard something very awful.

How Did You Hear About The House?
The Same Old Woman
Louisa, perplexed, inquired as to what was wrong. But then she noticed something in the corner of the room. It was a portrait of an elderly woman that was displayed on the wall. Mikey’s grandmother had called. Mikey’s grandmother has died. It was the same old lady who had shown Louisa this place a few hours before. Louisa sat frozen in place, an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach.

The Same Old Woman