In January 2018, A’gaci also filed for bankruptcy. The womenswear retailer had been working on the renegotiation of 49 leases. During the press release, the company admitted that they spent two-thirds of expenses on rent. The company managed to come out of bankruptcy in the summer of the same year! The good news is that they retained 55 stores as well as 1,500 employees. This Texas-based company received approval on a $12 million loan in June. Good times are coming for A’gaci!

Toys R Us
We doubt you could have missed this news when the media feasted on its financial Troubles. In 2018, Toys R Us applied for bankruptcy and announced its plans to liquidate all stores. The toy retailer held clearance sales in 735 stores across the country. Business Insider wanted to close the stores right away to avoid paying the landlords some more. However, the owners canceled the bankruptcy auction at the end of that year. Could they be working on a comeback?

Toys R Us