You Never Knew You Can Use Baking Soda This Way

Published on 12/29/2019

Rain Repellent

If you have to drive in the rain, we’re sure you know that it can be stressful, but driving in the rain with run-down windshield wipers that aren’t doing the best job can not only be stressful, but quite dangerous as well. Take a damp cloth with baking soda sprinkled on it and wipe down your windshield with it. Next time it rains, you will notice that rain is repelling off of your windshield much more.

Rain Repellent


Chicken Pox Cure

Most people experience the chicken pox at some point in their life, but if you never did, you’re one of the rare and lucky people who escaped it. If you weren’t so lucky, you can understand how horrible the chicken pox can be. To ease up the itchy feeling, mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water, then dab the mixture onto the itchy areas with a washcloth. Let the mixture dry up before rinsing it off.

Chicken Pox Cure