After Taking A DNA Test, Sean Astin & Mother Patty Duke Finally Found Out Who The Father Is

Published on 09/24/2021

He Was Fine With Having Multiple Dads

While not knowing who his original father was and having other men stand up to fill the position was perplexing for Sean as he grew up, he handled it well. Sean maintained a positive attitude and tried to maintain a polite relationship with each of the guys who could have been his biological father. Arnaz Jr. is Sean’s godfather, with whom he shares a “powerful love bond.” Sean is pleased with the news that Michael Tell is his biological father and believes that despite not knowing him as a child, Tell “turned up to be a great guy.”

He Was Fine With Having Multiple Dads

He Was Fine With Having Multiple Dads


Sean’s Own Family

Some people may wait their entire lives for answers to questions concerning their family that relatives are unwilling to reveal. Sean, on the other hand, understood the significance of discovering his biological father and never stopped looking for the truth. Over the course of his childhood, his maturity and courteous demeanor earned him not one, but three father figures to look up to and bond with. He was able to bring people together and build an amazing extended family.

Sean’s Own Family

Sean’s Own Family