Her Parents Were Worried For Her Love Life
Patty’s parents were concerned about her safety as a teen celebrity. They wanted to make sure she was safe and that she didn’t get mixed up with the wrong crowd. She soon met Desi Arnaz Jr., the son of Lucille Ball and I Love Lucy’s Desi Arnaz. Patty’s parents reportedly disapproved of their relationship because Patty was 23 years old at the time and Desi Jr. was 17 years old — six years younger than Patty. She was also tying up loose ends, having divorced Henry Falk, her first husband, who was 13 years her senior. It was around this time that she found out she was expecting Sean.

Her Parents Were Worried For Her Love Life
Falling Apart
Patty and Desi Arnaz Jr.’s fling fell apart almost as quickly as they had caught each other’s attention. She was already well-known and dating another celebrity put her under too much scrutiny and pressure. Patty didn’t want her love life to be public, and she wondered how she could keep her personal life private. Patty’s apartment had been sublet to Michael Tell, a rock music promoter and newspaper publisher. He came up with a clever solution.

Falling Apart