After Taking A DNA Test, Sean Astin & Mother Patty Duke Finally Found Out Who The Father Is

Published on 09/24/2021

A Jack Of All Trades

Patty Duke was a well-known child actress who went on to become the youngest actress to have her own television show. But acting was not the only skill the young lady possessed. Patty Duke’s single “Don’t Just Stand There” reached number eight on the charts in 1965. It was a dramatic teen pop tune that fit Duke’s target demographic wonderfully. We’re shocked ABC didn’t use her voice for the theme of The Patty Duke Show, instead of going for Skip-Jack.

A Jack Of All Trades

A Jack Of All Trades


Playing A Lot Of Characters In One Show

While most people are aware that Patty Duke plays two identical cousins in The Patty Duke Show, most are unaware that a third cousin appears in one episode. Patty and Cathy’s cousin Betsy travels from Tennessee in “The Perfect Hostess.” Duke is even acknowledged as a “guest star” for the role in the episode! However, it poses the question of how three cousins may be identical. It’s because their fathers, Martin, Kenneth, and Jed Lane, were all identical triplets! William Schallert portrays each of the men.

Playing A Lot Of Characters In One Show

Playing A Lot Of Characters In One Show