McDonald’s and hákarl were apparently on Anthony Bourdain’s list of worst foods
One of the most unexpected facts about Anthony Bourdain’s life is that he liked fast food. He did not, however, hold all fast food in the same regard. He might have enjoyed eating at KFC or Shake Shack, but he allegedly never stopped at a McDonald’s. Anthony claimed that their menu was repulsive. According to reports, he detested the food there so much that he would contrast it favorably with some of the more repulsive dishes he had sampled while traveling. But hákarl was one thing that it supposedly wasn’t worse than. This fermented shark dish from Iceland is undoubtedly an acquired taste that Bourdain never managed to master throughout his life.

McDonald’s And Hákarl Were Apparently On Anthony Bourdain’s List Of Worst Foods
Anthony Bourdain reportedly had a real problem with food trends, including pumpkin spice
If there was one thing about Anthony Bourdain you could seemingly count on, it was that he wouldn’t hesitate to express his opinions. He admitted that he wasn’t a big fan of food trends, for example, when he had a problem with something. One of them was the widespread use of pumpkin spice, which Anthony criticized on Reddit. It appears that we now know what Bourdain didn’t get from Starbucks when fall rolled around. However, it was also said that he had dislikes for other food fads. In addition to judgmental baristas, Bourdain reportedly disliked juice cleanses, gluten-free food, and “bro-food.” Anthony really didn’t hold back for a man who was supposed to be quiet and shy.

Anthony Bourdain Reportedly Had A Real Problem With Food Trends, Including Pumpkin Spice