Big Van Vader
Big Van Vader faced the most difficult challenge of his career when his work was repressed due to way Vince McMahon scheduled his match. Fortunately, we discovered that he went on to become the greatest wrestler in WCW Japan. Everyone was blown away by his performance, especially his hallmark maneuver, “Vadesault.” He was also drafted in the third round by the Los Angeles Rams and appeared in Boy Meets World. He passed away on June 18th, 2018.

Big Van Vader
Rey Mysterio
Rey Mysterio believed in himself before entering the wrestling industry and being a pro wrestler for three decades that he would go on to become the best wrestler of all time. He was an underdog at Wrestlemania, which proved difficult, especially while wrestling against the league’s toughest wrestlers. He created a reputation for himself, however, after winning a WWE title in the main event. Needless to say, his theatrical performances were all outstanding.

Rey Mysterio