These Tips Will Help You Save A Ton Of Money At The Airport

Published on 09/23/2022

Don’t Be Shy In Asking For Upgrades

We’re doing it wrong because most people are so gracious that they would never think to ask for anything for nothing. It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there, so if you can obtain special treatment by letting people know you’re celebrating a particular occasion, do it. If possible, airlines like United have been known to provide travelers with complimentary upgrades to enhance their travel experience. Of course, it doesn’t always work, but you have nothing to lose if you don’t try!

Don't Be Shy In Asking For Upgrades

Don’t Be Shy In Asking For Upgrades


Go To The Left Checkpoint When Passing Through Security

Although standing in the security line for hours on end can be agonizing, there may be a solution to permanently relieve this burden. When you reach security, turn left and proceed to the door that is farthest from you on that side rather than automatically turning right. This is based on simple logic. Since most people use their right hand, they approach the proper checkpoint. Going left will allow you to take advantage of the system and most likely speed up the process. You won’t likely save a lot of money with this hack, but you will gain valuable time!

Go To The Left Checkpoint When Passing Through Security

Go To The Left Checkpoint When Passing Through Security