These Pictures Made By AI Show How People See Americans

Published on 04/02/2024

There’s no disputing that the AI movement has fascinated practically all of us, and individuals are constantly coming up with innovative applications for the many AI platforms available. One Internet user, Dave Stopera, used AI to investigate a long-debated topic on the web: how Americans are seen around the world. He utilized Midjourney to make humorous graphics illustrating stereotypes of Americans from all 50 states. Read on if you want to see some of the preconceptions about Americans come to reality.

These AI Generated Images Show Us How Americans Are Perceived By Europeans

These Pictures Made By AI Show How People See Americans



It’s no secret that Alabama has been the target of several stereotypes throughout the years, most of them are related to the cultural phenomena known as’southern hospitality’ and the tough people who dwell in the southeastern state. Alabama is a state rich in history and culture, with a variety of stunning landscapes and thriving cities, yet that is not how it is commonly seen. Unfortunately, for some reason, AI imagines people from Alabama as ragged and rugged, with unkempt hair and missing teeth. We’re not sure why, but this image is intended to be a stereotypical representation of how Europeans perceive people in Alabama.

