Things You Can Only Find In India That Are Bizarre, Unique, And Expensive

Published on 10/24/2023

Temple of Rats

Found in: Deshnoke, Rajasthan
Est. Cost: N/A

When most people think of rats, one of two things spring to mind. They either imagine the nasty, repulsive rats from their dreams or Master Splinter from the Ninja Turtles. They are rarely (if ever) considered holy by Westerners. When visiting the Karni Mata Temple in Deshnoke, however, you have no choice but to regard them as such. Over 25,000 rats freely traverse the halls, chambers, and gardens of Karni Mata, unafraid of harm. If you come across a solid white rat in the crowd, consider it an honor. They are regarded as the holiest of the temple’s rodents.

Temple Of Rats

Temple Of Rats


World’s Highest Road

Found in:  Jammu and Kashmir
Est. Cost: Unknown

Roads have been created in India to provide access to some of the world’s most remote regions. One of them is located in Eastern Ladakh, right in the heart of the Himalayas. It’s a portion of the Ladakh Road that’s 19,300 feet above sea level, making it the highest road accessible by car on the earth. Tourists have been known to use hatchbacks and sedans on their Himalayan road adventures, but to have the best chance of avoiding vehicle troubles when traversing the Ladakh Road, it is recommended to rent something more like an STLA or other 4x4s of the sort.

World’s Highest Road

World’s Highest Road