You Will Appreciate WD-40 When You Hear What Else It Can Do For You

Published on 09/08/2019

Preventing Mildew Growth On Fountain

Okay, we will be jealous if you happen to live in a house with a fountain. Keep this in mind so that you can take care of it! Water goes through it the entire day, so mildew is not uncommon at all. However, this is not a good thing whatsoever. Turn the water off for a moment and spray WD-40 to prevent this from happening.

Preventing Mildew Growth On Fountain


Removing Smoke Stains

Candles can make or break the romantic dinner you cooked up. Unfortunately, they tend to leave smoke stains in the room! Water and soap can help it, but they won’t get rid of it completely. But do you know what will? That’s right, WD-40 can do it!

Removing Smoke Stains