You Will Appreciate WD-40 When You Hear What Else It Can Do For You

Published on 09/08/2019

Clearing Drains

Clogged drains are so troublesome, but it is not the end of the world. When this happens, it is usually because hair and dirt clogged the passageway. You can clear it by pouring a little WD-40 down there.

What’s worse than a clogged up drain? Maybe 40 other things on this list, but that’s not the point. When your drain is being stubborn, give it a spray with WD-40 and let it sit before draining the water. You’ll love the results.

Clearing Drains


Protecting Your Speakers

Do you consider yourself a music enthusiast? If so, you probably spent a lot of money on those sound systems. You can make them last much longer by cleaning them with a dry cloth and some WD-40.

Protecting Your Speakers