Different Use Of VapoRub That You May Find A Little Unusual

Published on 03/28/2022

Relieve Itchy Skin

VapoRub is ideal for people who have dry, itchy skin or who have come into contact with poison ivy or other plants that irritate the skin. Apply a small amount of VapoRub to the afflicted region. You’ll notice an immediate improvement in redness and irritation. It’s a good idea to bring some VapoRub with you on a camping trip just in case.

Relieve Itchy Skin

Relieve Itchy Skin


Remove A Splinter

There’s no need to be alarmed if a splinter becomes lodged in your foot. You can remove it with tweezers, but you risk it becoming lodged. In this case, VapoRub can be useful. Rub some on the affected area to assist dislodge the splinter.

Remove A Splinter

Remove A Splinter