This Town Allows Anyone to Live for Free, but No One Wants To.

Published on 05/03/2024

The Reason

And this is due to one thing. Many tales from the heyday of gold mining are still prevalent in the nearby villages. Some are thought to be nothing more than inventions. However, there are some stories that are typically recounted and heard with a gloomy, uncomfortable vibe, as though they are important and shouldn’t be taken lightly. And the one that prevents individuals from relocating to Garnet is one of them in particular.

The Reason

The Reason


Wandering Ghosts

A lot of people think that Garnet is, in the truest sense of the word, a ghost town. They think the ghosts of the town’s past residents—especially those who perished in the mines—still roam the town’s homes. To someone hearing about it for the first time, this would seem like mere rumors. However, nearly every visitor to the town returns having had some unusual or unsettling encounters.

Wandering Ghosts

Wandering Ghosts