Thirst Traps
When did TikTok become so dominated by thirst traps? What was once just a place to blow off steam with some fun dance trends has quickly become ThirstTok! People take any trend and use it to show off their assets, shaking things around. They know that this is the reason for many of their likes, especially if it blows up. They just don’t care. I guess anything to get to the top…

Thirst Traps
The Couple Prank Videos That Are Totally Fake
Lets be real, nobody wants to see your fake couple prank videos. That isn’t to say a prank on a significant other can’t be funny, but if you seem to produce new content with this theme every day, it is quite obvious your videos are fake. After some time, the partner simply must be aware that pranks are coming. If it is a couple’s account too, how can you share an account pranking each other? Also, sometimes the acting is just awful. Do something else with your time! Major cringe.

The Couple Prank Videos That Are Totally Fake,