Man Was Surprised After Learning What The Tiny Creature He Found Really Is

Published on 08/19/2022

It Might Rain

Jonathan walked back to his car, stopping frequently to check on the puppy. Jonathan didn’t want the young infant to get cold or wet because it was supposed to rain. However, the more he observed the animal, the more intrigued he became. Even though he had his doubts, he was now almost certain it wasn’t a monkey. What was it then?


It Might Rain


Unsure If It Was Even A Monkey

The black creature had no distinguishing characteristics; it was little and clearly a baby. The face seemed strange enough, but it was truly too young to know what it was. For it to have a face like that, it would have to be some kind of monkey. There was no other reason that sprang to his mind.

Unsure If It Was Even A Monkey

Unsure If It Was Even A Monkey