Bizarre Yet Amazing Strategies Teachers Used To Make Learning More Engaging!

Published on 08/05/2023

Spoilers or Math Lessons?

Math teachers are often known for their strict demeanor, but some have gone to extraordinary lengths to maintain discipline in their classrooms. To ensure order, a few math teachers have resorted to an unconventional tactic: threatening to divulge spoilers from the latest “Game of Thrones” episode if their students fail to remain quiet. The students, taken aback and alarmed by the possibility of having their cherished show ruined, promptly fell silent and focused on their studies. Although the threat of spoilers was undoubtedly severe, the students recognized that their math teacher was simply attempting to impart a valuable lesson.

Spoilers Or Math Lessons

Spoilers Or Math Lessons


Piano Is For Those With Talent Like Mozart

In a unique approach to encouraging piano playing, this music teacher opted for a humorous method. Instead of using a conventional “do not touch” sign, they displayed an amusing board featuring interesting facts about the renowned musician. The lighthearted board concluded with a deadpan punchline: “Mozart is dead.” This creative means of communication undoubtedly brought smiles to the students’ faces while effectively conveying the message to seek permission before playing the piano. Mozart, known for his exceptional improvisational skills, would often compose pieces spontaneously during his piano performances. He was even known to take requests from the audience and compose a new piece within a matter of minutes!

Piano Is For Those With Talent Like Mozart

Piano Is For Those With Talent Like Mozart