Speechless Over The Money
Finally, when they managed to peel off the wax paper, it dawned on the couple what was inside the suitcase: there were wads of cash! There were stacks of $20 bills inside. Not to mention, there were many stacks inside, not just a few! The husband and wife were shell-shocked. They simply stood there, staring at all the money they had just discovered. Where on earth did it all come from in the first place?

Speechless Over The Money
So Much Cash
As the husband and wife took a closer look at the bills they found, they realized they were quite old. That meant that the money was worth even more than they initially thought! The couple stood there in awe of the amount of money they had just found. How were they able to stumble across such a thing? It made no sense to them. Whoever put this money away must have somehow forgotten about it.

So Much Cash