A Bigger Fortune
The husband and wife kept going with their home renovation process. They wanted to finish the project so they could have their fixer-upper, well, fixed up. However, the couple anticipated that it wouldn’t be long before the Feds would get involved in their home and their lives as well. What would the couple do then? Would they be able to get on with their home renovations? Or would it have to be put on hold?

A Bigger Fortune
The Wait Is Over
As soon as his wife got home, the two rushed to go and open up the second suitcase. It felt almost like deja vu. Just like the first one, this suitcase was filled with similar wads of bills. Still, the pair was just as careful this time around since they knew its worth. Slowly and carefully, they unwrapped all the wax paper from the stacks of cash. It was as if they were going through a repeat of the first suitcase.

The Wait Is Over