Difficult Transition
She went on to say, “It was a difficult transition to be away from our parents and be outside of Iowa, but I think that we all did welcome it, and just really created new friendships and met new people in a new environment.” This could be a fantastic transition not only for Kelsey but also for her siblings. You can’t easily leave home behind when you have spent your whole life with your family, 24/7.

Difficult Transition
Natalie “Smarty Pants” McCaughey
It is no secret that not everyone had healthy living when they were young. One of them is Natalie. She and her sister Alexis had a pump to feed and severe reflux when they were young. But neither of them has been hindered from living. Natalie is known as the “Smarty Pants.” Her other siblings called her smartypants because she wants to excel in her studies.

Natalie “Smarty Pants” McCaughey