Gertrude – Frasier
Indeed, they did not make Gertrude Moon a likable person on purpose. She was an overbearing guest who overstayed her welcome while staying with Daphne and Niles. She was able to land a job at a café, but everyone disliked her. British actress Millicent Martin played her to perfection, but the character was written as whiny and domineering. Fans thought that she was much too one-dimensional.

Gertrude – Frasier
Dana Brody – Homeland
Netizens were not very kind to Dana Brody of Homeland either. The Daily Beast said that she was “TV’s most annoying character.” She was a whiny teen played by Morgan Saylor, who said she wanted to “provoke fans.” People thought she was annoying since she always had the same expression. Buzzfeed even listed down her expressions, which all looked the same!

Dana Brody – Homeland