After 40 Years Of Being Married, Woman Finds Out From The FBI Who Her Husband Really Is

Published on 05/10/2020

Everything Was Set

Just as expected, the guard simply stood by the bus and let them enter on that specific Tuesday. Walter was ready and had cleared out the goods in his locker. He had brought along his civilian clothes that he was allowed to wear during his radio show. He was wearing the clothes under his prison uniform.

Everything Was Set

Everything Was Set


Wailing Of The Sirens

Walter walked to the back of the bus and positioned himself next to the emergency exit. Walter said, “As we slowed down for a stop, I swung open the back door — and I was gone,” as he quickly took off the prison uniform and prison attire before sprinting further into the forest, the sound of sirens was fading in the distance.

Screenshot 5

Wailing Of The Sirens