Household Hacks That Make It Easier To Keep Your Home In Good Shape

Published on 11/30/2020

51. Egg Shells To Fix Cracked Tiles

It might sound bizarre, but you shouldn’t knock it until you try it. Are there cracks in your ceramic tiles? If so, crack some eggshells into it and smooth them out. After that, fill it with glue to secure the eggshells. Once it has dried, get some nail polish in the same color as the tile and add several layers!

51. Egg Shells To Fix Cracked Tiles


52. Erase Scratches On Wooden Floors

You do not need to let go of a wooden piece of furniture because it has scratches all over it. Get steel wool grit paper and brush it over the affected areas. Make sure not to apply too much pressure on it, however. This will work as an eraser. The results should show up right away!

52. Erase Scratches On Wooden Floors