Household Hacks That Make It Easier To Keep Your Home In Good Shape

Published on 11/30/2020

39. Remove Old Wallpaper

Do you have to get rid of old wallpaper? We know that it is not easy. However, you can do something to make the process go more smoothly. You only need to mix vinegar and hot water with a 1:1 ratio. Soak your paint roller in it for a few minutes. Then roll it over the wallpaper to make it peel off more easily.

Remove Old Wallpaper

39. Remove Old Wallpaper


40. Sharpen Scissors With Foil

Why are you making things even harder for yourself by using dull scissors? This trick makes it unnecessary to buy a new pair. You only need to grab a sheet of aluminum foil, fold it in half, and cut the scissor with it eight times or so. The foil will sharpen it and give it a second chance at life.

Sharpen Scissors With Foil

40. Sharpen Scissors With Foil