Household Hacks That Make It Easier To Keep Your Home In Good Shape

Published on 11/30/2020

27. Adjust Correctly The Rotation Of Your Ceiling Fans

Do you want to save on electricity bills? If this is the case, you should change the motion of the ceiling fan! They turn slowly to warm up the air in the room when it is cold. You should have it rotate at a counterclockwise motion to cool down the air in the summertime. Even though a fan will not change the room’s temperature, it is good to know how to use the ceiling fan properly!

Adjust Correctly The Rotation Of Your Ceiling Fans

Adjust Correctly The Rotation Of Your Ceiling Fans


28. Use Bubble Wrap To Winterize Your Windows

You should secure your window in the winters if it lets in the cold and releases the heat outside. You can put some water on it and then stick some bubble wrap on it. This will conserve the heat so that you won’t freeze during the colder months of the year. It won’t look very nice, but it will work.

Use Bubble Wrap To Winterize Your Windows

Use Bubble Wrap To Winterize Your Windows