Prepare To Be Blown Away By These Realistic Portraits Of Your Favorite Disney Characters

Published on 07/16/2020

Pocahontas From Pocahontas After

Are we sure that this is not a photo of a model? After all, the woman in the photo would not be out of place in the pages of a fashion spread or on the runway. In this 3D version, her cheekbones are even more prominent than they were in the original film. Maybe she should be called Poca-hotness instead!

Pocahontas From Pocahontas After

Pocahontas From Pocahontas After

John Smith From Pocahontas Before

A lot of people probably wished that they were in Pocahontas’ figurative shoes when John Smith sings to her. Yet again, we have one more Disney prince with a jawline that can cut diamonds. Is it a requirement if you are going to be a love interest? We would love to run our hands through his lovely blonde locks!

John Smith From Pocahontas Before

John Smith From Pocahontas Before