Remember ‘Octomom’? Take A Look At What Their Family Has Been Up To

Published on 11/16/2021

Too Much

Despite the unfavorable press, several people remained to support Nadya and her children, even if the media attention eventually overwhelmed her. After discovering she hadn’t achieved her goal of getting ahead of the story, Nadya chose to discuss her troubles. She expressed her displeasure with the caricatures made of her in an interview with People magazine. “I don’t get much sleep, about two or three hours a night. But I’m continuing to move forward with my life and trying to be the best mother I can be,” she explained. However, her attitude to the attention she received still made plenty of people skeptical about Nadya.

Too Much

Too Much


A Grim Situation

Years after giving birth to her children, Nadya Suleman was still the topic of much suspicion, and despite the fact that many Americans liked her and her multiple children, her adversaries did not back down and continued to voice their misgivings. Unfortunately, this began to affect her capacity to parent her children, and several accounts indicated that she was in a poor condition and at the end of her rope. Despite having 14 children, she may have felt alone since she felt like she was up against the world. Despite the fact that she was dealing with a different situation that government support couldn’t fix, Nadya battled to raise her 14 children and had no choice but to accept official assistance.

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A Grim Situation