Woman Was Told By A Man To Give Up Her Seat, She Gave A Note To Him Instead

Published on 04/02/2021

What Did He Want?

She was curious as to what this man wanted from her when she heard him address her. But, whereas Jessica assumed he was looking for her phone number or trying to find out more about her job, he motioned to her seat and asked her this…

What Did He Want?

What Did He Want?


Mysterious Man

The man moved a step closer to her and motioned to her seat. He then informed her that that seat had been taken without missing a beat. Jessica looked around her, her eyes wide with disbelief. What right does he have to say that? she pondered. He insisted, “I’m in your seat.” He was talking about something she didn’t understand. Exasperated, he inquired, “What does your ticket say?”

Mysterious Man

Mysterious Man