He Ate Nothing But Meat And Water For An Entire Year To Prove A Point, The Results Were Unexpected

Published on 04/03/2022

The Diet

They were given blood tests and had several biomarkers examined for several weeks. Following the end of the control period, their staple diets were quite simple. They were to consume the following foods:

  • Steak
  • Roast Beef
  • Brains
  • Tongue
  • Calf Liver – Once per week to prevent Scurvy

They were seriously committed to do this for an entire calendar year…

The Diet

The Diet


Public Outcry

Stefansson’s experiment was deemed unsafe by newspapers, journals, and a number of doctors. They claimed the men would get scurvy or even die. Stefansson confounded skeptics by claiming that his all-meat diet gave him “ambition” and “energy.” Upon examining the two men after their year long experiment, the doctors finally had the answers everyone had been waiting for.

Public Outcry

Public Outcry