Elizabeth Berkley
Elizabeth Berkley is most popular for her function on Saved By The Bell. She has likewise showed up in various film and stage creations. As of late she is taking a break from acting and is zeroing in on composition. She composed a self improvement guide called Ask-Elizabeth in 2011.

Elizabeth Berkley
Linda Kozlowski
Linda Kozlowski of Crocodile Dundee is unfortunately not, at this point an entertainer. She has been out of the business for a few decades at this point. She wedded her ex, Paul Hogan after the two met on the set. They were hitched for a very long time and have a high school child together! From that point forward, the two separated, and Linda Kozlowski is allegedly moving to Morocco with her new accomplice Moulay Hafid Baba. She isn’t in the stage, and is investing a great deal of energy in her own life.

Linda Kowoloski